Thoughts from worship last night:
Sometimes we let our shame hold us back from God. We don't always live as if we truly believe that He has taken it all from us. We despair that we'll ever break free of our sin patterns. We hold parts of that shame as if it still has power over us... Is His blood not enough?
He died for you. He loves you that much. Do you believe that?
He loves us totally, perfectly, wildly. He knows us down to the very core of who we are - and He calls us His children. He calls us His bride. He calls us His.
We should live life in Awe of the amazing gift God has given us. His forgiveness should humble our hearts, and flood us with thankfulness. We should have the type of joy that the world looks at and marvels. We have the Love of God - how are we pouring it out on those around us? How are we living now that we're Free?
Hebrews 12:18-24
The Mountain of Fear and the Mountain of Joy
Galatians 4:4-7
"You split the sea, so I could walk right through it
My fears are drowned in perfect love
You rescued me, and I will stand and sing
I am a child of God!"