
Wednesday, February 1, 2023

A Different Answer From What I Wanted

    A story from a few years ago...

    I was working on something by myself and starting to get frustrated. It had been a long day and I knew it would be a while until I'd be able to get done. I prayed that someone would come and help me finish. Not long after that a friend of mine came by to drop something off.  Her family was coming to visit her within the hour, and she was excited about getting to see them. She noticed that I was busy, and asked if she could help for a bit, assuring me her family wouldn't be there for a little while yet.

   This couldn't be who God had sent to help me. I mean, she was obviously busy. . .

   After assuring her several times that I was 'almost done anyways' and that she should go enjoy her time, she left. It was then I realized something. God had answered my prayer, but I didn't accept it. She was "too busy" , this was "my job" and I could finish it "myself" - all these excuses I made to her, and to myself.

     I did end up finishing that project by myself, but I was reminded of something that day. God answers prayers often differently than I want Him to, and He isn't really interested in whether or not I think He picked the "right" person to help. 

      Have you ever done something like that? Prayed for something specifically, then scorned the very answer God sent? Too often we pray and when God sends an answer we're like, "Oh no, God sorry,  I don't think you understood what I was talking about. Here, let me explain that again."

      We have to willing to accept what He gives - and trust in the fact that though it sometimes isn't what we wanted or expected, He knows best.

      Little thoughts of today. :)

~Ophelia - Marie