
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Why I Like Free Writing

Picture From Flickr

     I think every writer should have a notebook, or a document on their computer that is for the sole purpose of free writing.

   'What is free writing', you ask? Free writing is writing down anything that pops into your head. ;)

   A random scene that doesn't fit anywhere in your current story? Put it there.

   A sentence that keeps tumbling about in your head? Put it there.

   A few half-baked ideas you don't know what to do with? Put them there.

   One of the rules that I've made for myself when I free write is that I don't erase anything there. It doesn't matter how stupid or half thought out the idea may seem - it doesn't need to be good, or be seen by anyone but me. It's there for me to write just for the enjoyment of getting stuff out and organizing my thoughts. Nothing gets deleted - it doesn't need to. It's for me.

   I've found through practicing free writing that it helps keep me from the thoughts of, 'I'm wasting my time.' or, 'What could I even use this nonsense for?'. It gets my creative thought-process going as I often jump from idea to idea in one chaotic stream of thought. Multiple poems, my first short story, and even some letters have ended up being written in my free writing doc.

   Random free writing sample - (and an example of something I don't have a place for):

In the midst of it all, I wonder, is it worth it? Where am I going? Why does it all fall down into swirls or friendly colors that then catch in tangling webs?
Golden sunsets, the bright and beautiful before the inky night drags it away.
   What are your thoughts on free writing? Have you ever tried it before?

   *Grins* I challenge you to go write for ten minutes on an empty sheet of paper or blank word document and let me know how it goes.

~Ophelia - Marie

Thursday, February 21, 2013

When God Winks At You

Picture From Devianart.

   I recently read the book, 'When God Winks At You' after seeing a  book review for it on the Into The Book  . (Go read it. ;) ) It got me to thinking about the own times I have received 'godwinks', and I decided to share with you two such stories.

   First of all, let's make sure you understand the concept of a 'godwink'.

   From the author of the book -

    Every time you receive what some call a coincidence or an answered prayer, it's a direct and personal message of reassurance from God to you - what I call a godwink. It's similar to when you were a kid sitting at the dining room table. You looked up and saw someone you loved looking back. Mom or Dad or Granddad. They gave you a little wink. You had a nice feeling from that small silent communication. What did it mean? Probably - "Hey kid... I'm thinking about you right this moment. I'm proud of you. Everything is going to be all right." That's what a godwink is. Every so-called coincidence or answered prayer is God's way of giving you His small, silent communication. A little wink saying - "Hey kid! I'm thinking of you... right now!"

   Now, for the stories I want to share -

   One night I was goofing about in Holy Worlds' chat room, chatting with various people, when I started to have this funny feeling. . . The thought kept popping in my head that I needed to get off and pray. . . I didn't know what I needed to pray about, but the feeling was persistent.

    After I told everyone I'd be back in about fifteen minutes, I closed my laptop and started praying. There I was, sitting in the dark, on my bed at about eleven o'clock at night, praying about anything that came to mind. When I felt I had prayed for what I needed to, I opened my laptop and went back into Holy Worlds. Almost as soon as I was there, I got a message from one of the girls, asking me to pray for her. She couldn't tell me what it was about, but she really needed prayer then.

   You know that feeling when you're so shocked you at first don't even know what to think? I felt that. I had just been praying for her, specifically, by name. How amazing is that? God isn't constrained by time. He told me to pray, even before I knew who I was praying for. *Smiles* I'll always remember this story, and what it means to my life - God's blessed reminder to me that He knows what I don't.

Second story -

   In 2012 I worked my second summer in the kitchen at Grace Adventures. One afternoon I was vacuuming the dinning hall and the vacuum's red light came on. Instead of sucking junk like it should have, it began to spit it out. My boss had left for a meeting, so I couldn't ask her to fix it, and I was starting to get frustrated at how far behind we were on some things. My only other option was our smaller sweeper vacuum, but that thing didn't pick up stuff well at all. The sensible thing to do? Pray. So I did. I prayed the vacuum would work until I finished the dinning hall. Once I turned it back on, the light was out and it started sucking dirt again. I don't know why I was so surprised that God answered my prayer; I know He always hears me. Sometimes though, it's easy to forget that He also listens to little things like, 'Oh God please let the vacuum keep working until I'm done,' not just the big life prayers.

   What about you? Do you have a story you'd like to share about when you received a wink from God? :D

~Ophelia - Marie

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Welcome To My New Blog


       Hey. . . so, I'm not exactly sure what to write about in this post. In fact, I almost decided to skip it altogether and launch right into posting, but a blog is supposed to have an introduction post, so I'll try to figure it out. . .

      I guess I should say all the normal things like, 'Welcome!' and 'Thanks for stopping by!' and 'Feel free to ask questions!', which is all true. I hope you feel welcome, I'm glad you're glancing around, and I hope I get lots of questions. ;)

     If things go as I hope, I'd like to post here on a generally regular basis. The reason I've made this new blog is because my other one has pretty much become a poetry blog and I would like to have one to share other things. 'Opinions, Thoughts, And General Ramblings' - ha, that mostly sums up what I think this blog will be. ;) A few of the posts I have plans to share here are called, 'When God Winks At You', 'My Friends Aren't Mine', 'Why I Like Free Writing' and 'Don't Be Afraid To Dream'. I hope you'll stick around. *Grins* 

~Ophelia - Marie